Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today's Java lesson was so much more enjoyable that the first two! I'm sure the lecturer did put in efforts to try adding in some interesting stuff. He actually came up with a random 'chooser' which can pick out anyone of us to answer questions just by clicking a button! It's damn exciting when we see all our photos just flicking on the screen! There's a video below, click to watch! :)
Sorry for the video quality as it was taken using a handphone and the amount of noise we were making!

Bingy was nice to get us notebooks from Hongkong! :) Thanks!

Lol i merely tooked a photo of the first lucky person Vivi. Then i was lucky enough to be #3!

Our rewards! Lol.

Yay, wednesday is my favourite day of the week!

Cos it's the shortest schoolday!


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