Arrived at my hometown and headed to my 大伯's shop for dinner.
He's a great chef yo!
Every year he cooks the nicest food for the family! :)

Headed home.
We had the traditional custom of offering prayers to the god and also my 阿公.

Woke up early to get ready for relatives to gather at Ah Ma's house!

Went to someone's ( i ain't sure how am i related to them) house.

In addition, it has become a law that we have to fasten our seat belts for the rear seats there. But, i guess no one will really care. :P
And just look at the amount of alcohol they have.

Okay, the point is, it was below my 小舅's car when they were about to leave my 外婆家. (at this point of time, i was at my Aunt's house already) He started the car engine and didn't know the cat was there. By right, the cat should have run away when it heard the engine.
But it didn't, and the car just ran over the cat . . .
It was only when a neighbour saw the cat and told my 小舅 when he realised.
The kitten didn't survive for long and passed away soon after.
When he told me the news, i was totally taken aback.
Even though it's just a few hours i was playing with the kitten, it's hard to accept the fact that someone or an animal that you've been interacting with awhile ago just died like that, isn't it?
I was still thinking if it would still be there the next year i return.
I felt rather emotional for awhile and remained speechless.
So, don't you agree that life's unpredictable?
I'm sorry to have ended this post on a sad note but i felt that i really have to blog about this.
What a long post, hope i didn't bore you with all this!
Enjoy your Chinese New Year people! Still have 11 days to 拜年! :)